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Something easy: Drinking Water

mariana ojeda

If you don't already drink a lot of water, start doing it now. Stand up and pour water in glass. Now drink it and find out the benefits that drinking water has, and trust me you will love it.

Not only will it affect weight loss by increasing satiety and enhancing metabolic rate, but it also helps your brain function at its best ability.

One study found that drinking about 17 ounces (0.5 liters) increased metabolism by 30% (1 , 23 , 24 ).

Surprisingly, about 60% of your body is water.

Drinking enough water plays an important role in keeping your body healthy and functioning properly. For example, water is involved in managing your body temperature, carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and protecting vital organs and tissues. Water is also needed for the excretion of waste products, joint lubrication, and keeping the tissues in your eyes, mouth, and nose healthy and moist.

In fact, almost all of your body’s major systems depend on water to function properly.

Personally I started drinking a gallon of water for a week now, and I feel so much better, have much more energy, my skin is clearer, and I'm less hungry (more full) plus I have lost a pounds. But the amount always depends on you.


Most adults sufficiently meet their fluid needs by letting thirst be their guide.

While there are no specific recommendations on how many glasses of water most adults should drink per day, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) sets recommendations for total water intake.

The recommended water intake should be between 78- 120 ounces. But it also depends on where you live, since living in a hot place tends to make you sweat more and increasing your water intake wouldn't hurt you.


Prolonged physical activity increases your water loss through sweat.

It’s estimated that athletes lose approximately 6–10% of their body weight through sweat during prolonged athletic events.

However, a water loss of 2% alone can have a noticeable effect on athletic performance

There is no exact recommendation for how much more water athletes need to drink to maintain hydration. Thus, if you’re an athlete or work out at a high intensity and tend to sweat, plan to replenish your losses with increased fluid intake during and after activity.

And if you workout with a sweat Band then I would recommend drinking a LOT of water since the band burns water fat, more than anything.



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